YouCanFlip Page Flip Generator can create easy-to-use e-books for publishing on the Internet.
If you have created a magazine or a book in a PDF file, this program will turn it into a virtual book that you can publish into a web site.
To do this, launch the program and input some data, like the number of the issue, its name, the release date (by default, set to the current data), the scaling ratio that you want to apply to the PDF document, the JPG quality and DPI, and the settings for your FTP server. The demo version of this program allows you to use some of the sample PDFs that the program includes, and has all the settings needed to upload the finished e-book to the author´s server.
YouCanFlip will optimize the PDF and JPG and will generate the SWF needed to flip the pages. Then, it will publish the result and let you see it. The program will save every used file in your hard drive, too.
You can flip the pages of the book with your mouse (you will hear a sound when you flip a page). If you click on any part of the page, the program will zoom in, and let you see a sliding control that can be used to set the zoom level. You can include a Logo and the title to your book. The program will include three links: Archive, Index and Help.